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Timeline Block

The timeline block allows you to display a chronological list of items that have a start point, and end point. The most common use case for this block would be a list of events with a defined start and end year, with each individual item pertaining to a specific day, month, or even year.

Heading is Optional

And the description is optional as well.


  • Sub title for an individual item

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus consectetur eleifend diam.

  • A second item on the righthand side

    Praesent condimentum magna in augue sodales pellentesque quis vel nunc.

  • Items alternate from side to side

    In imperdiet imperdiet maximus. Sed urna quam, ullam corper eu ligula pulvina.


Optional Components

Both the heading and paragraph components are optional for this block. While they are optional, the paragraph should not be used without the header, the formatting will not be what you expect.

Markup Example

<div class="u-block u-block--white">
	<section class="b-timeline">

		<h2 class="c-heading c-heading--center">Heading is Optional</h2>
		<p>And the description is optional as well.</p>

		<div class="timeline__container">

			<div class="timeline__bookend">

			<ul class="timeline__list" itemscope itemtype="">
				<li itemprop="item">
					<p itemprop="name">Sub title for an individual item</p>
					<p itemprop="description">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus consectetur eleifend diam.</p>
				<li itemprop="item">
					<p itemprop="name">A second item on the righthand side</p>
					<p itemprop="description">Praesent condimentum magna in augue sodales pellentesque quis vel nunc.</p>
				<li itemprop="item">
					<p itemprop="name">Items alternate from side to side</p>
					<p itemprop="description">In imperdiet imperdiet maximus. Sed urna quam, ullam corper eu ligula pulvina.</p>

			<div class="timeline__bookend">


Block details

Timeline block meta values
handle timeline
width type fixed
colour options u-block--white, u-block--grey
section use <main>
has heading true
theme(s) CU